Playgrounds Synthetic Turf Installation-Synthetic Turf Team of Port St. Lucie

Playground Synthetic Turf Installation Services for Port St. Lucie Residents

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Playgrounds Synthetic Turf Installation-Synthetic Turf Team of Port St. Lucie

Making sure children don’t get hurt while playing in playgrounds is never an easy task. You have to keep an eye on when they are using the space’s equipment and make sure they won’t fall or trip for running around and not being careful enough, just like every child. Since we hate seeing kids getting hurt and not being able to go back to places where the surface doesn’t seem too reliable— or maybe they already had a bad experience. Our company contributes to all playgrounds in the city and nearby areas with a key service: playground synthetic turf installation, so all kids can be and feel safe during their recreational hours.

Of course, kids won’t be the ones paying attention to the surface, but parents will, and we want to make sure that although it is never good to relax, they can have a breath when it comes to seeing them play and stop expecting the worst whenever an accident takes place.

With this in mind, synthetic turf is also popular for playgrounds for many reasons, including how clean and green it looks all year round, making the area appealing and stunning for all children. Additionally, we can list some benefits for consideration:

  • It lasts over ten years despite the high volume of foot traffic.
  • Durable.
  • Earth-friendly.
  • Non-toxic.
  • Adds extra impact reduction thanks to the underlayment and the type of turf chosen for the playground by professionals.
  • It blends well in any city or place.
  • The usual problems are frequent watering, fertilizer use, high maintenance, and a lot of investment to take care of natural grass. These are no longer issues with synthetic turf.
  • Artificial turf can also withstand all weather conditions, and it is much easier to maintain than natural grass and can be used for any playground or as needed.

Is It Challenging to Install Artificial Turf for Playgrounds?

Not quite. As long as the individuals in charge of the project understand the product, the preparations, and what needs to be done with the right tools, it shouldn’t be an issue. Our professionals are here to meet all the requirements and guarantee that your playground will have a reliable surface.

If you’re looking to save money or have this surface installed, we recommend you not do it yourself. It can lead to the opposite effect: a damaged area or a poor installation that does not do justice to the turf’s quality.

It is not only about the quality or durability of the turf but also the installation, as it will determine how resistant and long-lasting the surface ends up being, especially in these spaces where high-impact activities take place.

Preparing the ground for this installation is not usually needed; putting the underlayment and using the right glue and tape to ensure that each piece remains in place for many years are only a few parts of the process. 

Synthetic Turf Team of Port St. Lucie has over 16 years of combined experience in installing artificial turf in different playground sizes and spaces. We will make every effort to ensure your children have fun and that you can enjoy the benefits of our product while keeping them safe.

You must discuss the procedure with us before you install artificial turf or decide to take this step officially:

  • We will assess the area and determine the best type of synthetic turf for it.
  • We will measure it to determine the amount of product you need.
  • Come up with a design for your space, which will be sent your way.
  • Get an estimate on your project along with the design.
  • Before we get started, we will always wait for your approval of the estimate and how you want the design and project to be.

Can You Have Your Synthetic Turf Installed in A Day or Two?

It all depends upon the variables: how many meters you require us to cover, which type of synthetic turf we use, and the weather conditions; if it rains, it is natural to have a delay in how fast we install the product.

However, it is possible to install our artificial turf in one to two days. In fact, most projects take approximately 1 to 3 days to complete, but the size of the work site is what will vary the delivery time the most, and if you are performing any additional projects or activities in the playground, you will either have to stop them for us to finish in no time, or we will have to work slower to make sure everything is in harmony, and we do not affect other people’s work in your playground.

Larger playgrounds that exceed 1,000 square feet may take longer due to weather conditions and the need to wait for certain areas to be prepared, and just the idea of dealing with this size. Most of the time, we can handle the project in two to three days, and everything depends on how the playground is designed as well.

Although other options may be taken into consideration before you receive an estimate of time, they usually don’t have the same impact on timeframes as the size or shape of the playground and how we will work with the entire look and the final result.

We will need to know, however, how involved and how active you are in this project, so we know where to consult you for what you want us to include or don’t do.

All this includes an idea of how the playground will look after the synthetic turf has been installed and how it will look once the equipment is in place—provided by us but influenced by what you have in mind. 

The projects should not take longer than two days, and we will do our best to finish them in one day. This allows you to play with your students or just enjoy the playground as soon as possible while opening it to the public for regular use.

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